Enesepettused pole ka väga minu teema. Noh, tegelikult kipun veits üle mõtlema. Samas tean juba ammu, alati on nii, et kui ennast halvasti tunnen, siis kukun meeleheitlikult luuletusi kirjutama. Ja hetkel ma ei tee seda, sest kõige tõenäolisemalt kõigun kuskil õnne ja õnnetuse vahepeal ja see on üks parasjagu tõhus tasakaal.
she said c'mon boy
tell me what you're thinkin' now
don't be shy
he said alright I'll try
well the stars up in the sky
and the leaves in the tree
all the broken bits that make you trip up and the grassy in between
all the matter in the world
is how much that I like you
she said what?
he said let me try and explain again
right birds can fly so high
and they can shit on your head
yeah they can almost fly into your eye
and make you feel so scared
but when you look at them
and you see that they are beautiful
that's how I feel about you
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